Each packet below contains two forms requiring signatures: the Jesse Lee ASP Release, Liability Waiver and Medical Authorization; and the ASP Volunteer Statement and Registration form. The latter will require an adult (over 18 years of age) signature to be notarized. There will be notaries at all ASP meetings if you would like to have it done there.

The Young Adult/College Student and Adult  packets also contain information regarding Background Verification.  All adults attending the trip are required to have a background check every three years.

When printing the forms, please do not duplex the pages. Each form needs to be on its own piece of paper.

You will need to complete the online registration and turn in your forms prior to signing up for any skills training and car washes.

High School Forms

Download High School Youth Signature Forms

Young Adult/College Student Forms

Download Young Adult/College Student Signature Forms

Adult Forms

Download Adult Signature Forms

You can turn in the forms at any ASP meeting, drop them by the church office or mail them to:

Jesse Lee ASP
207 Main Street
Ridgefield, CT 06877